Mayweather naštval majstra bojových umení, ten ho vyzval na súboj

(Autor: Twitter)
SITA|12. jan 2016 o 17:03

Floyd Mayweather, už nikdy v súvislosti s mojím úspechom nespomeň rasu. Som Ír. Môj národ utláčali počas celej jeho existencie. A trvá to dodnes, napísal Conor McGregor.

BRATISLAVA. Americký bývalý profesionálny boxer Floyd Mayweather nedávno vyhlásil, že v úpolových športoch stále hrá dôležitú úlohu rasa. To rozhorčilo írskeho majstra zmiešaných bojových umení Conora McGregora, šampióna Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) v perovej hmotnostnej kategórii.

"Floyd Mayweather, už nikdy v súvislosti s mojím úspechom nespomeň rasu. Som Ír. Môj národ utláčali počas celej jeho existencie. A trvá to dodnes," povedal McGregor prostredníctvom Instagramu.

1. Rolling Stone, thank you for putting me as one of your top 25 sex symbols of 2015! My Mother will be delighted and proud! 2. ESPN, FOX, BT Sports, MMA Fighting, Yahoo, MMA Junkie and Sherdog thank you all for awarding me fighter of the year 2015! I appreciate all the hardworking media and their love and commitment to the sport is truly valued. 3. Fighters Only MMA Awards, thank you for the nominations for Fighter of the Year, KO of the Year, International Fighter of the year. I will be in Las Vegas to attend the event and collect all my awards. 4. Floyd Mayweather, don't ever bring race into my success again. I am an Irishman. My people have been oppressed our entire existence. And still very much are. I understand the feeling of prejudice. It is a feeling that is deep in my blood. In my family's long history of warfare there was a time where just having the name 'McGregor' was punishable by death. Do not ever put me in a bracket like this again. If you want we can organise a fight no problem. I will give you a fair 80/20 split purse in my favour seen as your last fight bombed at every area of revenue. At 27 years of age I now hold the key to this game. The game answers to me now. 5. Media instigators/An Garda Siochana. I apologise for having the air-soft in public. I was simply rehearsing for a potential upcoming film role. I understand that the more traffic a story can get the more revenue it generates. So I understand and respect that the media must create these stories and these situations even if at times it is at other people's expense. We've all got to eat. And I eat well. So I will not complain. 6. My next fight. What can I say, it's just another night of easy work for me. I don't just own the game. I run it too.

Fotka uverejnená používateľom Conor McGregor Official (@thenotoriousmma),Jan 8, 2016 o 3:42 PST

"Veľmi dobre rozumiem, aké je byť obeťou predsudkov. Tento pocit koluje hlboko v mojich žilách. Moja rodina má vojenskú históriu. Boli časy, keď len meno McGregor stačilo ako dôvod na popravu," pokračuje McGregor.

"Ponúkam ti rozdelenie finančného výnosu z nášho súboja 80 ku 20 v môj prospech. Videli sme, aké ratingy dosiahlo tvoje posledné predstavenie. Mám dvadsaťsedem rokov, už som hráč číslo 1," uzavrel.

Conor McGregor je majstrom zmiešaných bojových umení.

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Domov»Ďalšie športy»Box»Mayweather naštval majstra bojových umení, ten ho vyzval na súboj