Švédsko na MS v hokeji 2023
MS v hokeji 2023
14.05.2023, Skupina A
5 - 0
1:0, 2:0, 2:0
Rakúsko na MS v hokeji 2023

Švédsko potvrdilo rolu favorita, Rakúsko zdolalo rozdielom triedy

Radosť hráčov Švédska v zápase proti Rakúsku.
Radosť hráčov Švédska v zápase proti Rakúsku. (Autor: TASR/AP)
Sportnet, TASR|14. máj 2023 o 21:31

Hokejisti Švédska majú po dvoch zápasoch skóre 6:0.

MS v hokeji 2023 - skupina A

Švédsko - Rakúsko 5:0 (1:0, 2:0, 2:0)

Góly: 4. P. Lindholm (Berggren, Pudas), 27. Sörensen (de la Rose, Tömmernes), 39. Nemeth (Petersson, P. Lindholm), 52. Carlsson (Raymond), 54. Everberg (Bengtsson, Nemeth)

Rozhodovali: Ansons (Lot.), MacFarlane (USA) – Hautamäki (Fín.), Zunde (Lot.), vylúčení: 1:2 na 2 min., presilovky: 0:0, oslabenia: 0:0

Diváci: 5950

Švédsko: Wallstedt – Sandin, Tömmernes, Pudas, A. Lindholm, Bengtsson, Nemeth – Nylander, Carlsson, Raymond – Berggren, P. Lindholm, Petersson – Grundström, Lindberg, Silfverberg – Everberg, de la Rose, Sörensen

Rakúsko: Starkbaum – Nickl, Wolf, Heinrich, Zündel, Reinbacher, Brunner, Wimmer, Maier – Thaler, Haudum, Wukovits – Schneider, Nissner, T. Raffl – M. Huber, Rossi, Zwerger – Neubauer, Achermann, P. Huber

TAMPERE. Hokejisti Švédska zvíťazili v nedeľu vo svojom druhom vystúpení v A-skupine MS nad Rakúskom hladko 5:0.

Počas celého duelu v Tampere dominovali a o výsledku rozhodli už po dvoch tretinách, keď mali trojgólový náskok.

Severania neinkasovali ani v druhom zápase na turnaji a s plným počtom bodov a skóre 6:0 figurujú na druhej priečke v tabuľke za Američanmi.

Rakúšania majú na konte jeden bod za prehru s Francúzskom po predĺžení.

Švédsko odohrá najbližší zápas v pondelok od 19.20 s domácim Fínskom. Rakúsko po dni voľna nastúpi v utorok od 15.20 SELČ proti Dánsku.

VIDEO: Zostrih zo zápasu Švédsko - Rakúsko na MS v hokeji 2023

Tabuľka skupiny A na MS v hokeji 2023

Z = zápasy, V = Výhry, VP = Výhry po predĺžení, PP = Prehry po predĺžení, P = Prehry, B = Body

Priebeh zápasu Švédsko - Rakúsko na MS v hokeji 2023

I. tretina:

Švédi od úvodu potvrdzovali rolu favoritov a už v 4. minúte otvoril skóre duelu P. Lindholm, keď tečoval strelu Berggrena pred brankárom Starkbaumom.

Sweden's Jakob Silfverberg, left, and Austria's Kilian Zundel battle for the puck during the group A match between Sweden and Austria at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Sunday, May 14, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Players battle for the puck during the group A match between Sweden and Austria at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Sunday, May 14, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Players battle for the puck during the group A match between Sweden and Austria at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Sunday, May 14, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Sweden's Andre Petersson, right, celebrates after Par Lindholm scored the opening goal past Austria's goalie Bernhard Starkbaum during the group A match between Sweden and Austria at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Sunday, May 14, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Sweden's team players celebrate after Par Lindholm, centre, scored the opening goal during the group A match between Sweden and Austria at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Sunday, May 14, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Sweden's Par Lindholm, centre, celebrates after scoring the opening goal during the group A match between Sweden and Austria at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Sunday, May 14, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Sweden's Par Lindholm celebrates after scoring the opening goal during the group A match between Sweden and Austria at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Sunday, May 14, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Sweden's Marcus Sorensen, right, scores his side's second goal during the group A match between Sweden and Austria at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Sunday, May 14, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Sweden's team players, centre, celebrate after Marcus Sorensen, centre left, scored his side's second goal during the group A match between Sweden and Austria at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Sunday, May 14, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Sweden's Patrik Nemeth, centre, celebrates with teammates after scoring his side's third goal during the group A match between Sweden and Austria at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Sunday, May 14, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Austria's Benjamin Nissner, right, and Sweden's Henrik Tommernes battle for the puck during the group A match between Sweden and Austria at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Sunday, May 14, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Austria's goalie Bernhard Starkbaum, right, tries to cover the puck during the group A match between Sweden and Austria at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Sunday, May 14, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Austria's goalie Bernhard Starkbaum, right, tries to cover the puck during the group A match between Sweden and Austria at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Sunday, May 14, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Austria's Peter Schneider battles for the puck during the group A match between Sweden and Austria at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Sunday, May 14, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Players battle for the puck during the group A match between Sweden and Austria at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Sunday, May 14, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Sweden's Andre Petersson, right, and Austria's David Maier battle for the puck during the group A match between Sweden and Austria at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Sunday, May 14, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Austria's David Reinbacher, centre, battles for the puck with Sweden's Rasmus Sandin, top, and Henrik Tommernes during the group A match between Sweden and Austria at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Sunday, May 14, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Austria's Bernd Wolf, right, and Sweden's Andre Petersson battle for the puck during the group A match between Sweden and Austria at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Sunday, May 14, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Sweden's Leo Carlsson, top, scores his side's fourth goal past Austria's goalie Bernhard Starkbaum during the group A match between Sweden and Austria at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Sunday, May 14, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Sweden's team players celebrate as they won the group A match between Sweden and Austria at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Sunday, May 14, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Sweden's Leo Carlsson, right, celebrates after scoring his side's fourth goal during the group A match between Sweden and Austria at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Sunday, May 14, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)

Postupne sa do zápasu dostali aj Rakúšania, no sľubné príležitosti nedokázali využiť. 

II. tretina:

Severania v prostrednej časti ešte zlepšili svoj výkon a dočkali sa aj druhého presného zásahu.

De la Rose prenikol to útočného pásma, prihral Sörensenovi a od jeho korčule sa dostal puk do rakúskej bránky.

Na konci druhej tretiny Švédi vyťažili z veľkého tlaku aj tretí gól, obranca Nemeth skóroval strelou od modrej čiary.

III. tretina:

V treťom dejstve pokračovala dominancia favorita. Najprv mu vyšla kombinácia Raymonda so zakončujúcim Carlssonom a v 54. minúte Everberg prekvapil brankára Starkbauma.

Hlasy po zápase

Dominique Heinrich, obranca Rakúska: "Hrali sme proti silnému Švédsku. Musíme sa z toho poučiť a sústrediť sa na klúčové zápasy pre nás. Mali sme však v stretnutí aj dobré momenty a to si potrebujeme z tohto duelu zobrať."

Alexander Nylander, útočník Švédska: "Myslím si, že v našom prvom zápase bol každý trochu nervózny, ale dosiahli sme víťazstvo. Ak hráme rýchlo s pukom, vieme si vytvoriť šance a streliť góly. Hráme dobrý hokej a teším sa, čo dokážeme ďalej."

/zdroj: APA, IIHF/

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Domov»MS v hokeji 2023»Švédsko potvrdilo rolu favorita, Rakúsko zdolalo rozdielom triedy