Dráma až do konca. Argentína siahala na vyrovnanie, Angličania však bronz už nepustili

Ben Earl sa teší zo zisku bronzovej medaily.
Ben Earl sa teší zo zisku bronzovej medaily. (Autor: TASR/AP)
Sportnet|27. okt 2023 o 23:25

O novom majstrovi sveta sa rozhodne už zajtra, keď proti sebe nastúpia Nový Zéland a Juhoafrická republika.

MS v ragby 2023 - zápas o bronz

Argentína - Anglicko 23:26 (10:16)

PARÍŽ. Anglickí reprezentanti zdolali v dramatickom boji o bronz na MS v ragby 2023 tím Argentíny 26:23. Duel hostil štadión Stade de France v Paríži.

Angličania potvrdzovali rolu favorita už od úvodu, do polčasovej prestávky išli s náskokom 6 bodov za stavu 16:10.

V druhom polčase reprezentanti Argentíny zápas zdramatizovali, no v 75. minúte z ťažkej pozície nepremenil trestný kop Sanchez.

Táto situácia nakoniec rozhodla a po záverečnom hvizde tak mohli Angličania oslavovať zisk cennej medaile.

FOTO: Momentky zo zápasu Argentína - Anglicko

An Argentinian fan reacts after the Rugby World Cup third place match between England and Argentina at the Stade de France in Saint-Denis, outside Paris, Friday, Oct. 27, 2023. (AP Photo/Themba Hadebe)
England's players celebrate after the Rugby World Cup third place match between England and Argentina at the Stade de France in Saint-Denis, outside Paris, Friday, Oct. 27, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Argentina's players react at the end of the Rugby World Cup third place match between England and Argentina at the Stade de France in Saint-Denis, outside Paris, Friday, Oct. 27, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Argentina's Rodrigo Bruni is tackled by England's Owen Farrell during the Rugby World Cup third place match between England and Argentina at the Stade de France in Saint-Denis, outside Paris, Friday, Oct. 27, 2023. (AP Photo/Themba Hadebe)
England's Theo Dan scores a try during the Rugby World Cup third place match between England and Argentina at the Stade de France in Saint-Denis, outside Paris, Friday, Oct. 27, 2023. (AP Photo/Themba Hadebe)
An England fan celebrates during the Rugby World Cup third place match between England and Argentina at the Stade de France in Saint-Denis, outside Paris, Friday, Oct. 27, 2023. (AP Photo/Themba Hadebe)
Argentina's Lautaro Bazan Velez passes the ball during the Rugby World Cup third place match between England and Argentina at the Stade de France in Saint-Denis, outside Paris, Friday, Oct. 27, 2023. (AP Photo/Themba Hadebe)
England's George Ford, center, reacts during the Rugby World Cup third place match between England and Argentina at the Stade de France in Saint-Denis, outside Paris, Friday, Oct. 27, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Argentina's Tomas Cubelli kicks the ball during the Rugby World Cup third place match between England and Argentina at the Stade de France in Saint-Denis, outside Paris, Friday, Oct. 27, 2023. (AP Photo/Themba Hadebe)
Argentina's Mateo Carreras, center, challenges for the ball during the Rugby World Cup third place match between England and Argentina at the Stade de France in Saint-Denis, outside Paris, Friday, Oct. 27, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
England's Owen Farrell, left, kicks the ball during the Rugby World Cup third place match between England and Argentina at the Stade de France in Saint-Denis, outside Paris, Friday, Oct. 27, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Argentina's Thomas Gallo is tackled by England's Sam Underhill during the Rugby World Cup third place match between England and Argentina at the Stade de France in Saint-Denis, outside Paris, Friday, Oct. 27, 2023. (AP Photo/Themba Hadebe)

Finálový zápas medzi Novým Zélandom a Juhoafrickou republikou je na programe v sobotu 28. októbra o 21.00 h.

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Domov»Ďalšie športy»Ostatné športy»Dráma až do konca. Argentína siahala na vyrovnanie, Angličania však bronz už nepustili