Šláger má jasného víťaza. Manchester City nedal doma Bayernu šancu

Rodri (v strede) sa teší po strelenom góle v zápase Manchester City - Bayern Mníchov.
Rodri (v strede) sa teší po strelenom góle v zápase Manchester City - Bayern Mníchov. (Autor: TASR/AP)
Sportnet, TASR|11. apr 2023 o 22:54

Futbalistov Bayernu čaká v Mníchove poriadne náročná úloha.

Liga majstrov - štvrťfinále, 1. zápas

Manchester City - Bayern Mníchov 3:0 (1:0)

Góly: 27. Rodri, 70. Bernardo Silva, 77. Haaland

Rozhodca: Gil Manzano (Španielsko). ŽK: Silva - Davies, Pavard

ManCity: Ederson - Akanji, Dias, Ake - Stones, Rodri - Silva, De Bruyne (68. Alvarez), Gündogan, Grealish - Haaland

Bayern: Sommer - Pavard, Upamecano, de Ligt, Davies (80. Cancelo) - Goretzka, Kimmich - Coman, Musiala (69. Mane), Sane - Gnabry (80. Müller)

MANCHESTER. Futbalisti Manchestru City zdolali v úvodnom štvrťfinálovom zápase Ligy majstrov v šlágri Bayern Mníchov jasne 3:0.

V 27. minúte strelil úvodný gól v dueli dvoch gigantov domáci stredopoliar Rodri.

V 70. minúte zvýšil vedenie City Bernardo Silva a o sedem minút neskôr sa presadil aj Erling Haaland.

Odveta je na programe v stredu 19. apríla v Mníchove.

FOTO: Momentky zo zápasu Manchester City - Bayern Mníchov

Manchester City's Rodrigo, left, is challenged by Bayern's Leon Goretzka during the Champions League quarterfinal, first leg, soccer match between Manchester City and Bayern Munich at the Etihad stadium in Manchester, England, Tuesday, April 11, 2023. (AP Photo/Jon Super)

Manchester City's Rodrigo, left, fights for the ball with Bayern's Serge Gnabry during the Champions League quarterfinal, first leg, soccer match between Manchester City and Bayern Munich at the Etihad stadium in Manchester, England, Tuesday, April 11, 2023. (AP Photo/Jon Super)

Manchester City's Rodrigo, center, scores his side's opening goal during the Champions League quarterfinal, first leg, soccer match between Manchester City and Bayern Munich at the Etihad stadium in Manchester, England, Tuesday, April 11, 2023. (AP Photo/Jon Super)

Manchester City's Rodrigo, center, celebrates after scoring the opening goal of his team during the Champions League quarterfinal, first leg, soccer match between Manchester City and Bayern Munich at the Etihad stadium in Manchester, England, Tuesday, April 11, 2023. (AP Photo/Dave Thompson)

Manchester City's Rodrigo, second left, scores his side's opening goal during the Champions League quarterfinal, first leg, soccer match between Manchester City and Bayern Munich at the Etihad stadium in Manchester, England, Tuesday, April 11, 2023. (AP Photo/Jon Super)

Manchester City's Rodrigo, center, scores his side's opening goal during the Champions League quarterfinal, first leg, soccer match between Manchester City and Bayern Munich at the Etihad stadium in Manchester, England, Tuesday, April 11, 2023. (AP Photo/Jon Super)

Manchester City's Rodrigo, right, celebrates after scoring the opening goal of his team during the Champions League quarterfinal, first leg, soccer match between Manchester City and Bayern Munich at the Etihad stadium in Manchester, England, Tuesday, April 11, 2023. (AP Photo/Dave Thompson)

Manchester City's Rodrigo, center, celebrates with his teammates after scoring his side's opening goal during the Champions League quarterfinal, first leg, soccer match between Manchester City and Bayern Munich at the Etihad stadium in Manchester, England, Tuesday, April 11, 2023. (AP Photo/Jon Super)

Manchester City's Rodrigo, right, celebrates with his teammates after scoring his side's opening goal during the Champions League quarterfinal, first leg, soccer match between Manchester City and Bayern Munich at the Etihad stadium in Manchester, England, Tuesday, April 11, 2023. (AP Photo/Jon Super)

Manchester City's Rodrigo, second right, celebrates after scoring his side's opening goal during the Champions League quarterfinal, first leg, soccer match between Manchester City and Bayern Munich at the Etihad stadium in Manchester, England, Tuesday, April 11, 2023. (AP Photo/Jon Super)

Bayern's goalkeeper Yann Sommer walks away from a smoke comes from flares lighted by Manchester City supporters after Manchester City's Rodrigo scores his side's opening goal during the Champions League quarterfinal, first leg, soccer match between Manchester City and Bayern Munich at the Etihad stadium in Manchester, England, Tuesday, April 11, 2023. (AP Photo/Jon Super)

Bayern's Jamal Musiala, left, and Manchester City's Rodrigo go for the ball during the Champions League quarterfinal, first leg, soccer match between Manchester City and Bayern Munich at the Etihad stadium in Manchester, England, Tuesday, April 11, 2023. (AP Photo/Dave Thompson)

Bayern's Kingsley Coman, top, attempts a head at goal in front of Manchester City's Ruben Dias, left, Manchester City's Erling Haaland, second left, and Manchester City's Rodrigo during the Champions League quarterfinal, first leg, soccer match between Manchester City and Bayern Munich at the Etihad stadium in Manchester, England, Tuesday, April 11, 2023. (AP Photo/Jon Super)


Priebeh zápasu Manchester City - Bayern Mníchov

I. polčas:

Bayern má za sebou mierne turbulentné obdobie, klub odvolal z pozície hlavného trénera Juliana Nagelsmanna a nahradil ho Thomas Tuchel. City zažilo prehru naposledy ešte 5. februára na pôde Tottenhamu.

Šláger favoritov na zisk trofeje sa na manchesterskom Etihad Stadium odohrával v obojstranne vysokom tempe.

V 22. minúte sa po peknej akcii domáceho tímu ocitol v palebnej pozícii nórsky kanonier Haaland, ale Sommer bol pripravený a jeho pokus zneškodnil.

O päť minút neskôr však švajčiarsky brankár nemal nárok na úspešný zákrok. Bernardo Silva našiel prihrávkou pred pokutovým územím Rodriho, ktorý otvoril skóre umiestnenou strelou do pravého horného rohu - 1:0.

(Autor: Sofascore.com)

V 35. minúte mohol zvýšiť náskok Gündogan. Domáci kapitán sa v pokutovom území dostal k odrazenej lopte, no Sommer ju reflexívne špičkou kopačky vytesnil na roh.

V nadstavenom čase prvého polčasu vystrelil spoza šestnástky Sane a lopta tesne minula bránku City.

II. polčas:

Na začiatku druhého polčasu dal o sebe opäť vedieť Sane, tentoraz si s jeho pokusom poradil Ederson.

Na opačnej strane mohol zvýšiť náskok Dias, lenže Sommer potvrdil svoje kvality. Chybu svojich spoluhráčov z obrany v 70. minúte však nedokázal zahasiť.

Po Upamecanovej strate lopty našiel Haaland v šestnástke úplne voľného Bernarda Silvu a ten prudkou hlavičkou strelil druhý gól City - 2:0.

Hladký triumf anglického tímu spečatil o šesť minút Haaland po prihrávke Stonesa, čím dostal nemecký tím do mimoriadne zložitej situácie.

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Domov»Futbal»Liga majstrov»Šláger má jasného víťaza. Manchester City nedal doma Bayernu šancu