Dánsko na MS v hokeji 2023
MS v hokeji 2023
22.05.2023, Skupina A
1 - 4
1:1, 0:1, 0:2
Švédsko na MS v hokeji 2023

Švédski hokejisti sú stále bez prehry, Dánom sa vzdialil postup do štvrťfinále

Švédski hokejisti sa tešia po strelenom góle v zápase Švédsko - Dánsko na MS v hokeji 2023.
Švédski hokejisti sa tešia po strelenom góle v zápase Švédsko - Dánsko na MS v hokeji 2023. (Autor: TASR/AP)
Sportnet, TASR|22. máj 2023 o 17:37

Švédov čaká v záverečnom dueli skupiny A súboj o prvé miesto s USA.

MS v hokeji 2023 - skupina A

Dánsko - Švédsko 1:4 (1:1, 0:1, 0:2)

Góly: 4. N. Jensen (Ehlers) - 14. Everberg (Lindberg, Nylander), 33. Petersson (Lindberg, Raymond), 53. Raymond (Berggren), 55. Grundström (P. Lindholm, Petersson)

Rozhodovali: Fernandez (USA), Hribik (Česko) - Hofer (Nemecko), Niittylä (Fínsko), vylúčení: 3:2 na 2 min, presilovky: 0:1, oslabenia: 0:0

Diváci: 6573

Dánsko: Sörensen - Lassen, M. Lauridsen, Larsen, Jensen Aabo, Krogsgaard, Koch, Gammelgaard - N. Jensen, Russell, Ehlers - Bödker, Poulsen, Storm - Aagaard, Mölgaard, Bau Hansen - Andersen, Wejse, Olesen - Scheel

Švédsko: Wallstedt - Liljegren, Sandin, A. Lindholm, Tömmernes, Bengtsson, Nemeth, Pudas - Raymond, Carlsson, Berggren - Petersson, P. Lindholm, Grundström - Nylander, Lindberg, Everberg - Silfverberg, De La Rose, Sörensen

TAMPERE. Švédski hokejisti si pripisujú ďalšie víťazstvo na MS v hokeji 2023, keď v šiestom zápase skupiny A zvíťazili nad Dánskom 4:1.

Švédi uzavrú účinkovanie v základnej skupine v utorok od 15.20 SELČ proti USA v priamom súboji o prvé miesto v tabuľke.

VIDEO: Zostrih zápasu Dánsko - Švédsko na MS v hokeji 2023

Dánom patrí 5. priečka a na postup do vyraďovačky potrebujú vo svojom poslednom zápase v "áčku" triumfovať nad domácimi Fínmi (od 19.20 h), no predtým musia Nemci zaváhať proti Francúzom.

Tabuľka skupiny A na MS v hokeji 2023

Z = zápasy, V = Výhry, VP = Výhry po predĺžení, PP = Prehry po predĺžení, P = Prehry, B = Body

Priebeh zápasu Dánsko - Švédsko na MS v hokeji 2023

I. tretina:

Dáni prekvapivo otvorili skóre stretnutia v 4. minúte, keď N. Jensen prestrelil brankára Wallsteda.

Švédi krátko na to nevyužili dlhú presilovku 5 na 3, no Everberg ešte do prestávky vyrovnal na 1:1.

Sweden's Rasmus Sandin, right, and Denmark's Patrick Russell battle for the puck during the group A match between Denmark and Sweden at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Monday, May 22, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Denmark's goalie George Sorensen, top, makes a save during the group A match between Denmark and Sweden at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Monday, May 22, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Sweden's Andre Petersson, centre right, celebrates with Oscar Lindberg, centre, after scoring his side's second goal past Denmark's goalie George Sorensen, left, during the group A match between Denmark and Sweden at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Monday, May 22, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Sweden's Andre Petersson, bottom right, scores his side's second goal past Denmark's goalie George Sorensen during the group A match between Denmark and Sweden at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Monday, May 22, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Sweden's Andre Petersson, bottom, scores his side's second goal past Denmark's goalie George Sorensen during the group A match between Denmark and Sweden at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Monday, May 22, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Sweden's Andre Petersson, bottom, scores his side's second goal past Denmark's goalie George Sorensen during the group A match between Denmark and Sweden at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Monday, May 22, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Denmark's goalie George Sorensen makes a save during the group A match between Denmark and Sweden at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Monday, May 22, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Denmark's goalie George Sorensen makes a save during the group A match between Denmark and Sweden at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Monday, May 22, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Sweden's team players celebrate after Dennis Everberg scored his side's first goal past Denmark's goalie George Sorensen, left, during the group A match between Denmark and Sweden at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Monday, May 22, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Denmark's goalie George Sorensen makes a save during the group A match between Denmark and Sweden at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Monday, May 22, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Denmark's Nicklas Jensen, right, and Sweden's Jonathan Pudas smile after a battle during the group A match between Denmark and Sweden at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Monday, May 22, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Denmark's Nicklas Jensen celebrates after scoring the opening goal during the group A match between Denmark and Sweden at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Monday, May 22, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Denmark's Nicklas Jensen, centre, celebrates with teammates after scoring the opening goal during the group A match between Denmark and Sweden at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Monday, May 22, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Denmark's Nicklas Jensen scores the opening goal during the group A match between Denmark and Sweden at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Monday, May 22, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Sweden's Dennis Everberg, centre, scores his side's first goal during the group A match between Denmark and Sweden at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Monday, May 22, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Sweden's Dennis Everberg, right, celebrates with teammates after scoring his side's first goal during the group A match between Denmark and Sweden at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Monday, May 22, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Sweden's Dennis Everberg, centre, celebrates after scoring his side's first goal during the group A match between Denmark and Sweden at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Monday, May 22, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Sweden's Dennis Everberg celebrates after scoring his side's first goal during the group A match between Denmark and Sweden at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Monday, May 22, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)

II. tretina:

Druhá tretina priniesla veľa prerušení, ale aj šance na oboch stranách. Dáni tiež dostali šancu v početnej výhode o dvoch hráčov, rovnako v nej však neuspeli.

Favorit potom dostal presilovku 5 na 4 a Petttersson ju v 33. minúte využil strelou pomedzi Sörensenove betóny.

III. tretina:

Švédi boli v tretej časti aktívnejší, prestrieľali svojho súpera 12:4 a po koncovkách Raymonda a Grundströma upravili na konečných 4:1.

Hlasy po zápase

Andre Petersson, útočník Švédska, v zápase 1+1: "Odohrali sme celkom dobrý zápas. Síce nás prekvapili, keď sa dostali do vedenia 1:0, no potom sme odviedli dobrú prácu a kontrolovali sme hru."

Nicklas Jensen, útočník Dánska, v zápase jeden gól: "Švédsko má skvelý tím. Začali sme dobre a dali sme si šancu uspieť, ale nepredviedli sme taký výkon, aby sme to udržali. Oni sa postupne zlepšili a zvládli to."

 /zdroj: IIHF/

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