Kanada na MS v hokeji 2023
MS v hokeji 2023
17.05.2023, Skupina B
5 - 1
4:1, 0:0, 1:0
Kazachstan na MS v hokeji 2023

Kanada nedala Kazachstanu žiadnu šancu, o všetkom rozhodla už prvá tretina

Hokejisti Kanady sa tešia z gólu do siete Kazachstanu.
Hokejisti Kanady sa tešia z gólu do siete Kazachstanu. (Autor: TASR/AP)
Sportnet, TASR|17. máj 2023 o 21:25

Hokejisti Kanady sa vďaka víťazstvu dostali na čelu tabuľky skupiny B.

MS v hokeji 2023 - skupina B

Kanada - Kazachstan 5:1 (4:1, 0:0, 1:0)

Góly: 1. Weegar (Blais, Veleno), 6. Crouse (Weegar, Quinn), 8. Crouse (Laughton, Barron), 20. Veleno (Blais), 42. Blais (Veleno, Lucic) - 10. Beketajev (Danijat, Rymarev)

Rozhodcovia: Heikkinen (Fín.), Hürlimann (Švaj.) - Hynek (ČR), Nothegger (Rak.), vylúčení: 1:0 na 2 min., presilovky: 0:0, oslabenia: 0:0

Diváci: 3411

Kanada: Hofer – Weegar, Middleton, Bear, Hunt, Myers, Joseph, Barron – Blais, Veleno, Lucic – Quinn, Laughton, Crouse – Carcone, McBain, Neighbours – Toffoli, Glass, Krebs – Fantilli

Kazachstan: Bojarkin - Danijar, Beketajev, Polochov, Orechov, Koroľov, Gaitamirov, Butenko, Dichanbek - Rymarev, Šestakov, Starčenko - Michailis, Muchametov, Muratov - Rachmanov, Omirbekov, Savickij - Kaijržan, Mangisbajev, Musorov

RIGA. Kanadskí hokejisti vyhrali v v B-skupine MS nad Kazachstanom 5:1.

Druhý stredajší zápas v Rige mal jednoznačný priebeh od prvého striedania a javorový list sa dostal na čelo tabuľky.

Švajčiari majú však svoj štvrtý zápas k dobru a v prípade štvrtkového víťazstva nad Slovenskom by sa dostali opäť do priebežného vedenia.

Práve súboj so Švajčiarmi je ďalším bodom programu javorového listu v Rige. Zápas o možnú najlepšiu východiskovú pozíciu do štvrťfinále sa hrá v sobotu o 15.20 (SELČ).

Kazašský tím narazí v piatok o 19.20 na slovenských hokejistov.

VIDEO: Zostrih zo zápasu Kanada - Kazachstan na MS v hokeji 2023

Tabuľka skupiny B na MS v hokeji 2023

Názov krajinyŠtát
Z = zápasy, V = Výhry, VP = Výhry po predĺžení, PP = Prehry po predĺžení, P = Prehry, B = Body

Priebeh zápasu Kanada - Kazachstan na MS v hokeji 2023

I. tretina:

V 19. sekunde bolo 1:0, po piatich minútach 2:0 a opäť exceloval obranca Mackenzie Weegar. Onedlho favorit viedol o tri góly a s Kazachmi to vyzeralo zle-nedobre.

Jack McBain of Canada, left, fights for a puck with Madi Dikhanbek, centre, and goalie Nikita Boyarkin of Kazakhstan during the group B match between Canada and Kazakhstan at the ice hockey world championship in Riga, Latvia, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. (AP Photo/Roman Koksarov)
Jack McBain of Canada, left, fights for a puck with Madi Dikhanbek of Kazakhstan during the group B match between Canada and Kazakhstan at the ice hockey world championship in Riga, Latvia, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. (AP Photo/Roman Koksarov)
Milan Lucic of Canada, back, fights for a puck with Kirill Polokhov of Kazakhstan during the group B match between Canada and Kazakhstan at the ice hockey world championship in Riga, Latvia, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. (AP Photo/Roman Koksarov)
Tyler Toffoli of Canada, centre, fights for a puck with goalie Nikita Boyarkin of Kazakhstan during the group B match between Canada and Kazakhstan at the ice hockey world championship in Riga, Latvia, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. (AP Photo/Roman Koksarov)
Jack McBain of Canada, left, fights for a puck with Madi Dikhanbek, centre, and goalie Nikita Boyarkin of Kazakhstan during the group B match between Canada and Kazakhstan at the ice hockey world championship in Riga, Latvia, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. (AP Photo/Roman Koksarov)
Lawson Crouse of Canada, left, fights for a puck with Danil Butenko of Kazakhstan during the group B match between Canada and Kazakhstan at the ice hockey world championship in Riga, Latvia, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. (AP Photo/Roman Koksarov)
Samuel Blais of Canada, centre right, fights for a puck with goalie Nikita Boyarkin of Kazakhstan during the group B match between Canada and Kazakhstan at the ice hockey world championship in Riga, Latvia, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. (AP Photo/Roman Koksarov)
KK50 Riga - Kanadský kapitán Tyler Toffoli v zápase základnej B-skupiny Kanada - Kazachstan na 86. majstrovstvách sveta v ľadovom hokeji 17. mája 2023 v lotyšskej Rige. FOTO TASR/AP
Tyler Toffoli of Canada in action during the group B match between Canada and Kazakhstan at the ice hockey world championship in Riga, Latvia, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. (AP Photo/Roman Koksarov)

- šport hokej majstrovstvá sveta
- MS2023 MS 2023 B skupina
- Kanada - Kazachstan
KK53 Riga - Kazašský hokejista Adil Beketajev sa teší z gólu v zápase základnej B-skupiny Kanada - Kazachstan na 86. majstrovstvách sveta v ľadovom hokeji 17. mája 2023 v lotyšskej Rige. FOTO TASR/AP
Adil Beketayev of Kazakhstan celebrates a goal during the group B match between Canada and Kazakhstan at the ice hockey world championship in Riga, Latvia, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. (AP Photo/Roman Koksarov)

- šport hokej majstrovstvá sveta
- MS2023 MS 2023 B skupina
- Kanada - Kazachstan
KK51 Riga - Kanadský hokejista Jack Quinn (vľavo) a kazašský brankár Nikita Bojarkin v zápase základnej B-skupiny Kanada - Kazachstan na 86. majstrovstvách sveta v ľadovom hokeji 17. mája 2023 v lotyšskej Rige. FOTO TASR/AP
Jack Quinn of Canada, left, fights for a puck with goalie Nikita Boyarkin of Kazakhstan during the group B match between Canada and Kazakhstan at the ice hockey world championship in Riga, Latvia, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. (AP Photo/Roman Koksarov)

- šport hokej majstrovstvá sveta
- MS2023 MS 2023 B skupina
- Kanada - Kazachstan
Milan Lucic of Canada, right, fights for a puck with goalie Nikita Boyarkin of Kazakhstan during the group B match between Canada and Kazakhstan at the ice hockey world championship in Riga, Latvia, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. (AP Photo/Roman Koksarov)
Lawson Crouse of Canada, center, scores past the goalie Nikita Boyarkin of Kazakhstan, during the group B match between Canada and Kazakhstan at the ice hockey world championship in Riga, Latvia, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. (AP Photo/Roman Koksarov)
Jack Quinn, left, Lawson Crouse, centre, and Mackenzie Weeger of Canada celebrate a goal during the group B match between Canada and Kazakhstan at the ice hockey world championship in Riga, Latvia, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. (AP Photo/Roman Koksarov)
Cody Glass of Canada, left, fights for a puck with Madi Dikhanbek of Kazakhstan during the group B match between Canada and Kazakhstan at the ice hockey world championship in Riga, Latvia, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. (AP Photo/Roman Koksarov)
Tyler Toffoli of Canada in action during the group B match between Canada and Kazakhstan at the ice hockey world championship in Riga, Latvia, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. (AP Photo/Roman Koksarov)
Adil Beketayev of Kazakhstan celebrates a goal during the group B match between Canada and Kazakhstan at the ice hockey world championship in Riga, Latvia, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. (AP Photo/Roman Koksarov)
Adil Beketayev of Kazakhstan scores past the goalie Joel Hofer of Canada during the group B match between Canada and Kazakhstan at the ice hockey world championship in Riga, Latvia, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. (AP Photo/Roman Koksarov)
Lawson Crouse, left, Jack Quinn, centre, and Ethan Bear celebrate a goal, right, fights for a puck with of Kazakhstan during the group B match between Canada and Kazakhstan at the ice hockey world championship in Riga, Latvia, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. (AP Photo/Roman Koksarov)
Cody Glass of Canada, left, fights for a puck with Abay Mangisbayev of Kazakhstan during the group B match between Canada and Kazakhstan at the ice hockey world championship in Riga, Latvia, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. (AP Photo/Roman Koksarov)
Adil Beketayev of Kazakhstan celebrates a goal during the group B match between Canada and Kazakhstan at the ice hockey world championship in Riga, Latvia, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. (AP Photo/Roman Koksarov)
Peyton Krebs of Canada, back, fights for a puck with Tamirlan Gaitamirov of Kazakhstan during the group B match between Canada and Kazakhstan at the ice hockey world championship in Riga, Latvia, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. (AP Photo/Roman Koksarov)
Jack McBain of Canada, right, fights for a puck with goalie Nikita Boyarkin of Kazakhstan during the group B match between Canada and Kazakhstan at the ice hockey world championship in Riga, Latvia, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. (AP Photo/Roman Koksarov)
Goalie Nikita Boyarkin of Kazakhstan in action during the group B match between Canada and Kazakhstan at the ice hockey world championship in Riga, Latvia, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. (AP Photo/Roman Koksarov)
Jack Quinn of Canada, left, fights for a puck with goalie Nikita Boyarkin of Kazakhstan during the group B match between Canada and Kazakhstan at the ice hockey world championship in Riga, Latvia, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. (AP Photo/Roman Koksarov)
Goalie Joel Hofer of Canada, right, fights for a puck with Mikhail Rakhmanov of Kazakhstan during the group B match between Canada and Kazakhstan at the ice hockey world championship in Riga, Latvia, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. (AP Photo/Roman Koksarov)
Tyler Toffoli of Canada, left, fights for a puck with Kirill Savitski of Kazakhstan during the group B match between Canada and Kazakhstan at the ice hockey world championship in Riga, Latvia, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. (AP Photo/Roman Koksarov)
Pierre-Olivier Joseph of Canada, right, fights for a puck with Dinmukhamed Kaiyrzhan of Kazakhstan during the group B match between Canada and Kazakhstan at the ice hockey world championship in Riga, Latvia, Wednesday, May 17, 2023. (AP Photo/Roman Koksarov)

V 10. minúte Beketajev nachytal Hofera z uhla už za bránkovom čiarou a Kanaďania nečakane vypli.

Až keď súper ku koncu 20-minútovky dvakrát zahrozil, strelili štvrtý gól, ktorý zrejme spečatil osud druhého dejstva. 

II. tretina:

To totiž hokejovo nestálo za zmienku, takže aspoň štatisticky - vylúčený bol Weegar, ako jediný hráč zápasu.

III. tretina:

V tretej časti Kanada pridala ešte jeden gól, ale nebol to kapitán Tyler Toffoli.

Ten po troch zápasoch s obrovským množstvom streleckých pokusov a s nula zásahmi hral vo štvrtom útoku a bol nenápadný.

Hlas po zápase

Lawson Crouse, strelec dvoch gólov Kanady: "Vstúpili sme do zápasu tak, ako sme si povedali, teda agresívne a aktívne. Potom to však nebola prechádzka, súper sa snažil a nebolo ľahké prekonať jeho obranu a kvalitného brankára. Ale v poslednej tretine sme to odkontrolovali."

Batyrlan Muratov, útočník Kazachstanu: "Je fajn hrať proti tímom s takými hráčmi. Keď som bol malý chlapec, hral som na play station proti Milanovi Lucicovi a teraz som proti nemu nastúpil na ľade. Nezachytili sme úvod stretnutia. Nabudúce musíme lepšie zvládnuť prvú tretinu, lebo dnes sme veľmi skoro prehrávali o tri góly. V druhej a tretej tretine sme už hrali lepšie."

/zdroj: ČT Sport, IIHF/

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Domov»MS v hokeji 2023»Kanada nedala Kazachstanu žiadnu šancu, o všetkom rozhodla už prvá tretina