Austrálska rozprávka sa skončila bez medaily. V súboji o 3. miesto nestačili hráčky na Švédsko

Švédske futbalistky.
Švédske futbalistky. (Autor: TASR/AP)
Sportnet, TASR|19. aug 2023 o 12:02

Austrálčanky nestrelili ani gól.

MS žien vo futbale – o 3. miesto

Švédsko – Austrália 2:0 (1:0)

Góly: 30. Rolfo (z 11 m.), 62. Asllani

ŽK: Rubensson - Gorry

/Správu aktualizujeme/

BRISBANE. Švédske futbalistky vyhrali v zápase o 3. miesto na majstrovstvách sveta žien 2:0.

FOTO: Momenty zo zápasu Švédsko – Austrália

Australia's Steph Catley and Sweden's Fridolina Rolfo, right, compete for the ball during the Women's World Cup third place playoff soccer match between Australia and Sweden in Brisbane, Australia, Saturday, Aug. 19, 2023. (AP Photo/Tertius Pickard)
Australia's Cortnee Vine and Sweden's Lina Hurtig, right, compete for the ball during the Women's World Cup third place playoff soccer match between Australia and Sweden in Brisbane, Australia, Saturday, Aug. 19, 2023. (AP Photo/Tertius Pickard)
Sweden celebrate after scoring their first goal during the Women's World Cup third place playoff soccer match between Australia and Sweden in Brisbane, Australia, Saturday, Aug. 19, 2023. (AP Photo/Tertius Pickard)
Australia's Katrina Gorry, centre, battles for the ball with Sweden's Fridolina Rolfo, left, during the Women's World Cup third place playoff soccer match between Australia and Sweden in Brisbane, Australia, Saturday, Aug. 19, 2023. (AP Photo/Tertius Pickard)
Sweden's Elin Rubensson, left, and Australia's Kyra Cooney-Cross battle for the ball during the Women's World Cup third place playoff soccer match between Australia and Sweden in Brisbane, Australia, Saturday, Aug. 19, 2023. (AP Photo/Tertius Pickard)
Sweden's Fridolina Rolfo, right, celebrates after scoring her team's first goal from the penalty spot during the Women's World Cup third place playoff soccer match between Australia and Sweden in Brisbane, Australia, Saturday, Aug. 19, 2023. (AP Photo/Tertius Pickard)
Australia's Clare Polkinghorne, top right, competes with Sweden's defenders to head the ball during the Women's World Cup third place playoff soccer match between Australia and Sweden in Brisbane, Australia, Saturday, Aug. 19, 2023. (AP Photo/Tertius Pickard)
Australia's Sam Kerr reacts during the Women's World Cup third place playoff soccer match between Australia and Sweden in Brisbane, Australia, Saturday, Aug. 19, 2023. (AP Photo/Tertius Pickard)
Sweden's goalkeeper Zecira Musovic watches play during the Women's World Cup third place playoff soccer match between Australia and Sweden in Brisbane, Australia, Saturday, Aug. 19, 2023. (AP Photo/Tertius Pickard)
Australia's Sam Kerr has an attempt on goal during the Women's World Cup third place playoff soccer match between Australia and Sweden in Brisbane, Australia, Saturday, Aug. 19, 2023. (AP Photo/Tertius Pickard)
Sweden's Kosovare Asllani, right, and Australia's Kyra Cooney-Cross battle for the ball during the Women's World Cup third place playoff soccer match between Australia and Sweden in Brisbane, Australia, Saturday, Aug. 19, 2023. (AP Photo/Tertius Pickard)
Australia's Hayley Raso, right, and Sweden's Amanda Ilestedt compete for the ball during the Women's World Cup third place playoff soccer match between Australia and Sweden in Brisbane, Australia, Saturday, Aug. 19, 2023. (AP Photo/Tertius Pickard)
Sweden pose for a team photo ahead of the Women's World Cup third place playoff soccer match between Australia and Sweden in Brisbane, Australia, Saturday, Aug. 19, 2023. (AP Photo/Tertius Pickard)

V súboji zdolali hostiteľskú krajinu z Austrálie a odnášajú si bronzové medaily. Vo finále sa v nedeľu stretnú Anglicko a Španielsko.

O výsledku obojstranne ofenzívneho prvého polčasu rozhodla penalta z 30. minúty.

Predchádzal jej faul Clare Huntovej na Stinu Blacksteniusovú a Fridolina Rolfová z bieleho bodu otvorila skóre.

Švédky poistili svoj náskok v 62. minúte, keď sa presadila Kosovare Asllaniová. 

Pre severanky je to piata medaila z MS. V roku 2003 boli strieborné, bronz získali aj na šampionátoch v rokoch 1991, 2011 a 2019.

Austrálčanky sa v domácom prostredí nedočkali prvej medaily z MS, no štvrté miesto je pre ne aj tak historický úspech.

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Domov»Futbal»Reprezentácie»Austrálska rozprávka sa skončila bez medaily. V súboji o 3. miesto nestačili hráčky na Švédsko