Švédi s najlepšou obranou na turnaji. Gól im nestrelilo aj Francúzsko

Švédska radosť po góle
Švédska radosť po góle (Autor: TASR/AP)
Sportnet, TASR|20. máj 2023 o 21:30 (aktualizované 20. máj 2023 o 21:40)

O víťazstve rozhodli už v prvej tretine.

Švédsko - Francúzsko 4:0 (4:0, 0:0, 0:0)

Góly: 2. P. Lindholm (Tömmernes, Petersson), 10. Zetterlund (Pudas, Tömmernes), 17. Berggren (Carlsson, Tömmernes), 20. Zetterlund (Lindberg, Raymond).

Rozhodovali: Ansons (Lot.), Fernandez (USA) – Mackey (Kan.), Zunde (Lot.), vylúčení: 3:3 na 2 min, presilovky: 2:0, oslabenia: 0:0, 8454 divákov.

Švédsko: Johansson – Liljegren, Sandin, A. Lindholm, Tömmernes, Bengtsson, Nemeth, Pudas – Raymond, Carlsson, Berggren – Petersson, P. Lindholm, Grundström – Zetterlund, Lindberg, Everberg – Silfverberg, De La Rose, Sörensen – Nylander

Francúzsko: Junca (21. Papillon) – Gallet, Boscq, Llorca, Chakiachvili, Onno, Crinon, Thiry – Texier, Boudon, T. Bozon – Rech, Addamo, Leclerc – Bertrand, Claireaux, Fabre – Farnier, Valier, K. Bozon

Správu aktualizujeme.

TAMPERE. Hokejisti Švédska triumfovali aj vo svojom piatom zápase v A-skupine MS v Tampere.

V sobotňajšom stretnutí zdolali Francúzsko 4:0 a zaistili si postup do štvrťfinále. Severania dominovali počas celého duelu a o výsledku rozhodli už v prvej tretine, keď zaznamenali všetky góly.

Švédi zatiaľ na turnaji stratili len bod a patrí im 2. priečka v skupine. Po dni voľna sa stretnú v pondelok od 15.20 SELČ s Dánskom.

Francúzi získali štyri body a už v nedeľu nastúpia proti USA od 19.20 h.

Pozrite si kompletný program šampionátuvýsledky a tabuľky.

Tabuľka skupiny A na MS v hokeji 2023

Z = zápasy, V = Výhry, VP = Výhry po predĺžení, PP = Prehry po predĺžení, P = Prehry, B = Body

Priebeh zápasu Švédsko - Francúzsko na MS v hokeji 2023

I. tretina:

P. Lindholm v druhej minúte otvoril skóre duelu, keď tečoval Tömmernesovu strelu. V polovici prvej tretiny Pudas našiel Zeterlunda, ktorý bekhendom prekonal Junca - 2:0.

Sweden's Jonatan Berggren controls the puck during the group A match between Sweden and France at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Saturday, May 20, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Sweden's Timothy Liljegren, left, and France's Peter Valier battle for the puck during the group A match between Sweden and France at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Saturday, May 20, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Sweden's Jonatan Berggren, centre, and France's Kevin Bozon battle for the puck during the group A match between Sweden and France at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Saturday, May 20, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
France's Justin Addamo, centre, and Sweden's Henrik Tommernes battle for the puck during the group A match between Sweden and France at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Saturday, May 20, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Sweden's head coach Sam Hallam watches the group A match between Sweden and France at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Saturday, May 20, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
France's goalie Julian Junca misses the opening goal by Sweden's Par Lindholm during the group A match between Sweden and France at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Saturday, May 20, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Sweden's Par Lindholm celebrates after scoring the opening goal during the group A match between Sweden and France at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Saturday, May 20, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Sweden's Par Lindholm celebrates after scoring the opening goal during the group A match between Sweden and France at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Saturday, May 20, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Sweden's Fabian Zetterlund, left, scores his side's second goal past France's goalie Julian Junca during the group A match between Sweden and France at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Saturday, May 20, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Sweden's goalie Lars Johansson, top, saves a shot by France's Dylan Fabre, left, during the group A match between Sweden and France at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Saturday, May 20, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
France's goalie Julian Junca misses Sweden's side's fourth goal by Fabian Zetterlund during the group A match between Sweden and France at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Saturday, May 20, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Sweden's Fabian Zetterlund, left, celebrates with teammates after scoring his side's fourth goal during the group A match between Sweden and France at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Saturday, May 20, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Sweden's Fabian Zetterlund celebrates after scoring his side's fourth goal during the group A match between Sweden and France at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Saturday, May 20, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
Sweden's Fabian Zetterlund celebrates after scoring his side's fourth goal during the group A match between Sweden and France at the ice hockey world championship in Tampere, Finland, Saturday, May 20, 2023. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)

Brankár Johansson potom podržal svoj tím dôležitým zákrokom, keď na neho išli dvaja Francúzi. Švédi v závere prvej časti využili dve presilové hry.

Berggrenovu prihrávku si Thiry nešťastne tečoval do vlastnej siete a Zetterlund potom pridal svoj druhý gól v stretnutí.

II. tretina:

Po prvej prestávke Papillon nahradil Juncu v bráne Francúzov. Severania pokračovali v aktívnej hre aj v prostrednej časti, no svoje príležitosti nevyužili.

III. tretina:

De La Rose mohol v 48. minúte počas oslabenia ešte zvýšiť na 5:0, ale Papillon jeho pokus zneškodnil.

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Domov»MS v hokeji 2023»Švédi s najlepšou obranou na turnaji. Gól im nestrelilo aj Francúzsko